One common factor behind all kinds of #celebration of victory in India, are the #crackers. When India wins a cricket match, when any crowd favourite IPL team wins a season, when the Indian army services return victoriously and simply when your favoured politician wins an election. #Bursting of crackers may be an attribute given to the Hindu festival of #Diwali, but it is also a prerequisite for all other forms of celebration.
Several states like Rajasthan, Odisha, West Bengal and the like have already taken the final decision of #banning #crackers this Diwali, and the citizens of Karnataka are also waiting for the final say from the government.
According to recent statements given by Health and Medical Education Minister K. Sudhakar, the final decision for the ban of fireworks in Karnataka is yet to be taken after careful discussions with the CM, B S Yeddiyurappa.
“Experts have suggested that #firecrackers can badly impact the health of those who have already been infected by COVID and even to those who have not. However, I have asked them to further deliberate and submit a report soon. Based on their report, we will discuss the matter with the Chief Minister and take a call,” the Minister said. Reportedly, several experts believe that since the pandemic has repressed the immunities of several people who were either affected or simply exposed to the deadly virus, it is suiting to refrain from the usage of crackers altogether.
In lights of this, it is quite important to look at all the harm fireworks may cause to the environment, human health conditions and all that is subservient to these factors. Through this article, we wish to bring forth the ideology to refrain from usage of substances that could be harmful in the long run and in no way are condemning the practices of any religion.
- The ephemeral existence: It is quite important to realize that the festival is to be celebrated with #lights and crackers were chosen as these ever so powerful beings that are able to light up skies and awaken whole neighbourhoods. However, of late, it has been opined that the limited usage of crackers and the #celebrated presence of lights instead is actually a better way to honour the tradition.
- Chemical locha: The inevitable exposure to many chemicals that are not intended to be in close proximities of living things is quite problematic. Several chemicals such as Copper, Cadmium, Zinc and Lead are time and again proven to be #dangerous if consumed in high, half combusted forms. Exposure to these chemicals can always cause issues related to respiratory tracts, blood vessels, nervous systems and even cause nausea.
- Pollution! Pollution! Pollution! : The numerous complaints of the public regarding various forms of #pollution cannot be ignored. While crackers only constitute to the air pollution while they are burnt occasionally, the effects cannot be ignored altogether. Along with avoiding crackers, commuters can choose public transports and have their vehicles checked for #poisonous emissions. But in the reality that this may be not be adopted by every individual, the smallest step is to say no to crackers.
- Inevitable harm to the environment: The suspended particles that emerge from the crackers stay in the atmosphere for a really long time and since a lot of people indulge in the burning of crackers, at the same time and in vicinity to each other, it gets highly concentrated too. The change in the air levels can be observed for a week in and around the festival.
- Are crackers carcinogens: According to expert opinions, the colours and the chemicals used in the crackers that are released are actually #radioactive and poisonous. As a result, high exposure and concentrated existence of these elements in the vicinity of individuals can prove to be quite #cancer causing.
- Side effects to the environment: Other effects include the release of these suspended particles into the atmosphere and that in turn, along with other factors pertaining to developed societies, cause the #acid rains and other water contaminations.
- Not Pawfect to your pet friends: The huge amount of sounds emitted from the crackers is quite #disturbing to the #animals. Shakuntala Majumdar, the President of the Thane Society for Protection of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) expresses that, “Their actual frequency range is 67Hz to 45kHz as compared to the human ear’s range of 20kHz. Thus firecrackers with low decibels can affect their temperament.”
- Accidents: There have been mishaps reported in lieu with the bursting of crackers and the irresponsible handling of them. The fact that the reports of such accidents are omnipresent every year during the festival is quite problematic and cannot be ignored.
-Ananya N K
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