Popular actor Siddhaanth Vir Surryavanshi died yesterday after he collapsed in the gym while working out. He was 46. This news has yet again bought into the limelight the issue of youngsters dying due to cardiac issues, particularly during workouts. Here we speak to Dr. Haleema Yezdani, a well-known doctor, diabetologist, and telemedicine expert about this situation as the delineates different aspects.
Why have Sudden cardiac deaths especially post gym increased?
1. Post covid myocarditis possibly
2. Any underlying, undiagnosed heart disease cannot withstand extreme body stress which happens during workouts.
3. Possible intake of supplements that may or may not be medically acclaimed.
4. Not doing it under proper supervision.
5. Warming up before working out and cooling down after is not done leading to possible muscle injury.
6. Smoking excessively before a workout.
Precautions to be taken
1. Undergo a cardiac evaluation before enrolling in a workout program.
2 . Don’t overdo it especially if you have just recovered from any viral illness.
3. Hydrate yourself adequately.
4. Avoid multiple protein supplements.
5. Make sure you have well-trained coaches to supervise you.
6. Stop the workout even if you feel minimally uneasy.
Dr. Yezdani adds that it is important to pay attention to our health, particularly cardiac health.
Dr. Haleema Yezdani
Dr. Yezdani is a general physician and diabetologist with 20 years of experience, and 10 years of experience in telemedicine only. She is one of the future 50 clinical leaders in telehealth recognized by HIMSS globally, the Ambassador of telemedicine today Karnataka India chapter, and the Ambassador of Global telehealth exchange.
She is also the director of the BENFA health care program where she has started a free telemedicine helpline to help people in need. She is also the director of women empowerment in the world peace organization, Karnataka chapter.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, she volunteered with various groups like Project Stepone, ERT, Mercy Mission, and many more. She has teletriaged and treated more than 7000 plus covid patients on a pro-bono basis