Globally renowned bassist Mohini Dey has found herself at the centre of a media storm after announcing her separation from saxophonist Mark Hartsuch. The...
Freedom at Midnight, based on the acclaimed 1975 book by Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre, represents a bold step in Indian storytelling. Created by...
Shiva Rajkumar, affectionately known as Shivanna by his fans, is one of Kannada cinema’s most revered icons. His latest film, Bairathi Ranagal, has already...
“Don’t feel bad about your life. Just remember Abhishek Bachchan still lives with his parents. Keep hustling everyone.”, thousands of such tweets are bombarded...
Directed by Tushar Jalota, ‘Dasvi’ focuses on Ganga Ram Choudhary, the chief minister of an imaginary state called Harit Pradesh (beckoning towards Haryana, given...
The matrimonial website, which was chastised for propagating ‘elitism’ and being deemed ‘offensive’ by netizens, is amusing Twitterati’s yet again. This time, netizens...
Following the spectacular success of Chapter 1, the highest earning Kannada action film, ‘KGF Chapter 2’ is a highly anticipated sequel. The sequel’s jaw-dropping...
The audience shall forever cherish the 94th academy awards, surprisingly not for the performances but rather for a stunning moment: Actor Will Smith strode...