On August 28, 2022, the ‘Twin Towers of India’ were demolished in Noida using nearly 3700 kilograms of explosives. Let’s look at the case of the Twin Towers of India.
1) What were the Twin Towers?
The Apex and Ceyane Towers, also known as the Noida Supertech Twin Towers, were unfinished residential structures in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. The towers were part of the Emerald Court residential complex built by Supertech. The Supreme Court ordered that the buildings be demolished by 2022.

Image Source: Hindustan Times
2) Why were they demolished?
Residents of Emerald Court petitioned the Allahabad High Court in mid-2012 to have the twin towers demolished. The high court ruled in favor of the residents in April 2014. The case was heard by India’s Supreme Court, which upheld the Allahabad High Court’s decision on August 31, 2021. The towers’ construction violated India’s National Building Code.

Image Source: India Today
3) What was the original plan?
The original building plan for the ‘Supertech Emerald Court’ housing society showed 14 towers and nine floors. The plan was later revised, and the builder was permitted to construct 40 floors in each tower. According to the original plan, the area where the buildings were built would be turned into a garden.

Image Source: The Indian Express
4) What did the residents argue?
Following this, residents of the Supertech Emerald Court society filed a complaint with the Allahabad High Court in 2012, claiming that the construction was illegal. The petitioners contended that the Supertech group broke the rules to sell more apartments and increase their profit margins.

Image For Representation
Image Source: Hindustan Times
5) Why did it take a year?
The high court ordered the authority in 2014 to demolish the towers within four months (at its own expense) from the date the order was filed. The Supreme Court then heard the case. The court gave three months to demolish the towers last August, but it took a year due to technical difficulties. The Supreme Court found that the builder violated building codes in collusion with Noida authorities.

Image Source: NewsClick