Sarjapura Town witnessed a thrilling football tournament, “Kicks on Grass,” on 9th April 2023 at SportZone, organized by the Lions Leo Club. The tournament...
The Lions Club Sarjapura Town completed its District Governor Visit on Sunday, with several prominent guests in attendance. District Governor Vinutha Prakash, 2nd Vice...
Sarjapura Town, Bengaluru: The Lions Club, Sarjapur Town is known for its social concern and philanthropic activities. Along similar lines, the Lions Club, Sarjapura...
Decorated mandap, bright colours, dazzling lights, and colourful Durga Puja pandal are the scenes at Bangalore’s Sukriti Cultural Association this year, as celebrations come...
Bengaluru: As a part of the World Environment Day celebrations of 2022, the Jai Karnataka Party in collaboration with Lions Club, Sarjapura held many...