The Bengaluru police have successfully apprehended eight individuals involved in a deceptive courier scam that targeted unsuspecting citizens, leading to a massive fraud amounting...
India created history when the Chandrayan-3 lunar mission successfully landed on the moon on August 23, 2023. As the country rejoices in its success,...
Teesta Setalvad, a well-known person who works for people’s rights, was involved in an incident at the respected Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in...
Hyderabad has been working to lay one of the strongest foundations for a potent startup ecosystem and hub in India, despite Bengaluru recently stealing...
A concerning new WhatsApp scam, referred to as the “WhatsApp Pink scam,” has recently surfaced, victimizing numerous individuals. Authorities from various states across India,...
A social media post featuring a photograph of scientist Khushboo Mirza, an alumna of Aligarh Muslim University, is gaining significant traction as it claims...