The parking problem in India continues to be a social menace, despite constant efforts from the government. With every new vehicle on the road, the problem grows exponentially. The inconvenience of waiting indefinitely for the owner of the vehicle that blocks your way or is in your spot, fuels rage in people leading them to stoop to vandalizing vehicles.
While looking for a one-stop solution to parking problems, we came across Miljayega. Miljayega’s solution was a revelation to us and helped us not only solve our parking problems but also contribute to a better society.
Intending to mitigate the parking feud, reduce parking hassles, and solve the problem at hand, Miljayega has developed the Smart Vehicle Sticker.
These awesome smart stickers are equipped with a unique QR code, which once locked with our details and stuck on the vehicle, functions as our virtual parking assistant. The QR code, when scanned henceforth, displays our information and allows us to be contacted via an encrypted call. So the next time our vehicle is unintentionally parked in someone’s way or spot, we can be instantly reached by the individual via call or text on scanning your QR code.
This entire process can be done without the necessity of an application or download, with any QR scanner making it viable for everyone. Miljayega’s encrypted calling system also provides complete privacy and protects our sensitive information. Not only this, Smart Vehicle Stickers can be lifesaving in case of an unfortunate accident, with the emergency contact and blood group details displayed when scanned, the sticker makes way for immediate care and enables the rescuer to reach out to our family members.
The Sticker is easy to use, has a hassle-free installation process, is waterproof, and costs only 499! The sticker boosts civic sense and promotes communal harmony while protecting our vehicle.
The sticker is a great utility for RWAs, and housing societies with open parking. It is a must have for anyone who uses personal transportation to commute every day and has to face issues when it comes to parking. Smart Vehicle Sticker allows you to be tension free about your vehicle when it is parked and also makes sure it is not causing anyone inconvenience.
Miljayega – India’s comprehensive Lost and Found website, envisions and strives towards a tomorrow where there is no more separation and there’s always hope for a reunion. It is a startup that is fueled by a cause and hunger to contribute towards the society. They are continuously striving towards building a society where technology helps in making a difference and fostering kindness.
Their solutions include an extensive, and comprehensive Lost and Found website that helps reunite lost valuables, and pets with their owner. The ItsMyThing product range designed to make all valuables and pets recoverable, and a Lost and Found Management Software developed to digitalize the corporate efforts and increase successful handovers serve as the perfect tools in fulfilling their mission.
We, at NewsHamster, are delighted that we are contributing our part towards solving the nation’s parking problem with Miljayega’s Smart Vehicle Sticker. It is now your turn. Get yours at right now. Use the coupon code NEWSH20 to avail an exclusive 20% off on your order!
Be a Samaritan who values other’s time. Grab the sticker before the offer runs out!
You can also find out more about Miljayega on their Instagram page and their YouTube channel