With the 2024 General Elections, PM Modi has focused on infrastructure projects and inaugurated new ones in states like Karnataka. However, in his nine years of rule, there have been fiascos which have plagued the administration. Here are the top 7 fiascos which occurred under his rule.
The Rich And Poor Divide:
PM Modi promised to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor; however, data has shown that the wealthiest 5% of Indians own more than 60% of the country’s wealth. While only 3% is owned by the bottom 50%.

Image Source: The Indian Express
We need a strong middle class because middle-class households have excellent saving rates and are more likely to invest in human capital. The middle class is a significant contributor to savings and human capital. Second, they improve the connections between democracy, a free press, a free education, and fair elections.
Rising Hunger And Malnutrition:
From 19 crores in 2018 to 35 crores in 2022, there were more hungry Indians. India scored 29.1 and a depressing ranking of 107 out of 121 nations in the 2022 Global Hunger Index Report. India’s rate of undernourishment rose from 14.6% in 2018-2020 to 16.3% in 2019-2021. India is the only nation in South Asia where between 2014 and 2022, the Global Hunger Index score decreased.

Image Source The Hindu
Having a sizeable hungry population means that people are less productive, more prone to illness, and frequently unable to increase their income and enhance their standard of living. It also shows that the country cannot feed the people to the best level.
Demonetisation and GST:
The ban on the Rs. 500 and Rs. 1,000 notes was announced by PM Modi on November 8, 2016, to eradicate counterfeit money, etc. However, it ended in deaths and increased cash flow. Several MSMEs have closed due to the implementation of the GST, COVID-19, and other factors.

Image Source: The Hindu
10,655 MSMEs closed their doors in 2022–2023, compared to 6222 in 2021–2022. Only 1.4 crore of the 6.3 crore existing businesses have joined the GST network as of March 31, 2023. MSMEs throughout India have complained that the frequent filing of returns and frequent rule changes make the GST system confusing and challenging to understand.
Demonetisation and GST could have been implemented better, which would have benefitted the economy to a large level. PM Modi could have conducted both of these exercises in phases which would have mitigated the impact of demonetisation and GST.
Failed Promises To ASHA And Anganwadi Workers:
Frontline ASHA and Anganwadi workers have received praise from PM Modi numerous times, but the government has refused to recognise their desire to be registered as government employees.

Image Source: Hindustan Times
Workers for ASHA and Anganwadi are referred to as “honorary volunteers” to hinder the regularisation of work, salary, and access to welfare benefits like PF or pensions.
Giving the necessary recognition to ASHA and Anganwadi workers would go a long way to help them out and even strengthen the rural healthcare system. The workers are the backbone of the rural healthcare system; without them, it would have collapsed long back.
Also Read: From Pulwama To PM Modi’s ‘Ignorance’ Towards Kashmir : Top 7 Allegations By Satya Pal Malik
Low Productivity In The Parliament:
The 2023 budget season produced the least in the previous five years. The productivity of the Lok Sabha was 34%, and the Rajya Sabha’s was 24.4%. BJP lawmakers interfered with the House’s ability to function to prevent a discussion on the Modi-Adani connection.
The lowest number of sitting days among Lok Sabhas that have served for five years is the 17th Lok Sabha’s 230, compared to the 16th’s 331 sitting days. Since 1952, the 17th Lok Sabha has been perhaps the one with the shortest entire term. Since 2014, more than 139 lawmakers have faced suspension.
A less productive parliament is highly harmful to a strong democracy like India. The parliament is a sacred institution in the country; without its functioning, critical laws cannot be made. Moreover, a productive parliament shows that the country is stable and cares about the people.
Journalists Were Not Protected:
Between 2014 and 2019, when the NDA was in power, 198 major attacks on journalists occurred in India. Journalists have been assaulted, urinated, shot with pellet guns, and even rendered blind.
In 2021, 6 journalists were killed, and 108 were physically assaulted; between April and September of 2022, 83 press freedom breaches were reported.

Image Source: Hindustan times
Journalists and the press are the fourth pillar of democracy and are equally essential to keep checks and balances in the government. Without a strong press, a country’s development is bound to head south, as there is none to keep it in check. PM Modi ought to ensure journalists can do their work safely and without fear.
The Covid Package Not Enough:
During the Covid crisis, PM Modi announced a relief package of Rs 20 Lakh Crores to help the economy. Financial analysts have demonstrated that the package represents only approximately 1% of GDP, not the highest 10% in the world. According to the RBI, most of the package focuses on structural reforms, monetary policy changes, and long-term development.
The liquidity measures of the RBI make up nearly 40%. Less than 10% of the package had been disbursed as of December 2020, according to an RTI response.

Image Source: The Hindustan Times
PM Modi’s announcement of the financial package was too little and perhaps a little too late. PM Modi could have announced a stimulus cheque package for the needy and the lower middle-class people as they were struggling to meet ends. A stimulus package would have revived the economy faster and cushioned the impact of Covid-19.
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