Sunita Williams, an Indian-American astronaut, is currently aboard the International Space Station (ISS) with her colleague Butch Wilmore. Their planned return has been delayed...
Sheikh Hasina Wazed has been a leading figure in Bangladeshi politics for over forty years. As the daughter of Bangladesh’s first President, Sheikh Mujibur...
The Hinduja family, the richest in the UK, are facing possible four-year jail sentences for mistreating their Indian workers at their villa in Geneva....
Amidst the tumultuous events unfolding in Gaza, Palestine, in April 2024, a remarkable and potentially stirring development came to light: the importation of five...
Sri Lanka is witnessing widespread protests as ordinary Sri Lankans deal with food shortages and soaring inflation. Severe shortage of foreign currency has left...
Sri Lanka is facing a massive financial and humanitarian crisis that could result in bankruptcy this year as inflation rises to record levels. According...
On Monday, Sadhguru launched a new movement to protect the environment, the Save Soil Movement. London’s Parliament Square was the flag-off point for Sadhguru’s...
Japanese schools have always been under constant criticism for their bizarre and sexist rules which are enforced on school girls. Japanese public schools have...