Sunita Williams, an Indian-American astronaut, is currently aboard the International Space Station (ISS) with her colleague Butch Wilmore. Their planned return has been delayed...
Sheikh Hasina Wazed has been a leading figure in Bangladeshi politics for over forty years. As the daughter of Bangladesh’s first President, Sheikh Mujibur...
The Hinduja family, the richest in the UK, are facing possible four-year jail sentences for mistreating their Indian workers at their villa in Geneva....
Amidst the tumultuous events unfolding in Gaza, Palestine, in April 2024, a remarkable and potentially stirring development came to light: the importation of five...
The Black Death, caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, was the initial wave of a nearly 500-year-long pandemic, also called the second plague pandemic....
Chairman of Sri Lanka’s Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB), MMC Ferdinando resigned after he had alleged that Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa was forced by...
After 27 years of service, Microsoft has finally announced the retirement of its oldest browser: Internet Explorer. The browser was released back in 1995...
Pakistani minister and famous TV host Aamir Liaquat passed away on Thursday under mysterious circumstances. He was a leader in the Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI). He...
In a recent interview, Naseeruddin Shah discussed the film industry’s silence regarding the international incident caused by Nupur Sharma’s remarks about Prophet Muhammad. The...