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Here Is Why Krishnadevaraya’s Contribution Will Always Be Remembered By Karnataka

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In the rich history of Karnataka, there is one name that stands taller in comparison to several others, Krishnadevaraya. Bengaluru might have become an industrial hub for India in recent years, however, the seeds for this development were sown during the times of Krishnadevaraya’s reign over the region. 

Krishnadevaraya: The Kingly Diplomat, Patron of the Arts and a Military Force | Ancient Origins

Krishnadevaraya. Credits – Ancient Origins

The third monarch of the Tuluva dynasty, he is often regarded as one of the greatest leaders and rulers in India. After the decline of the Delhi Sultanate, he was the one who ruled the largest empire in India. His administrative brilliance is evident after knowing about his achievements in court and on the battlefield. It was during his time that the land between the rivers of Tungabhadra and Krishna was acquired. Besides, he is remembered as the leader who defeated the likes of Odisha and the Sultan of Bijapur on several occasions. 

It was during his time that the Mughals started making advances toward the Indian subcontinent. The first Mughal emperor, Babur, regarded Krishnadevarya as the most powerful king in the region of the subcontinent. 

Raya': Krishnadevaraya of Vijaynagara was the greatest ever king of South India, says this biograph

Credits –

Laying down the foundations of Modern day Karnataka

Amongst several other things, Raya was known for uniting several factions of the neighbouring kingdoms into the Vijayanagara empire. Sultan Mahmud was severely defeated by Raya. After winning against Mahmud, he went on to defeat Yusuf Adil Shah, which resulted in him reuniting the regions of Bidar, Gulbarga, and Bijapur, into the Vijayanagara empire. 

Krishnadevaraya for UPSC: Ashtadiggajas [Names & Images]

Credits – Newscoop

Here are some of the important achievements of Krishnadevaraya – 

  1. In a span of a few years, Raya had a successful campaign in Odisha, and he invaded Raichur Doad, which resulted in the confrontation with the Sultan of Bijapur, Ismail Adil Shah. Raya defeated him and captured the city of Raichur in 1520. 
  2. He was a pioneer in what is today better known as foreign relations. He had cordial relationships with the Portuguese, and Albuquerque sent his ambassadors to Krishnadevaraya. 
  3. Besides being an able administrator, Raya was also known for being a scholar. He authored a Telugu work by the name Amukthamalyadha and Sanskrit works named Ushaparinayam and Kalyanam. 
  4. Raya is also known for making temples and renewing several others. He built a city in memory of his queen Nagaladevi. 

After having a few tumultuous years after 1520, Raya made his son Tirumala Raya the crown prince. The prince did survive for a long as he was poisoned. Amidst the crisis at home, Krishnadevaraya was preparing for an attack on Belgaum, meanwhile, he fell sick and passed away due to his illness. He was succeeded by his younger brother in 1529. 

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