After almost six-year anticipation, Bengaluru is finally poised to bid farewell to its traffic woes, courtesy of an advanced Japanese technology set to be...
In a disturbing turn of events, Sandeep Mahajan, a journalist hailing from Maharashtra, reportedly faced an assault purportedly orchestrated by workers associated with Shiv...
In the annals of history, the enigmatic figure of the notorious dacoit Veerappan once stood as a formidable challenge to the authorities, a paradoxical...
Jailer, the highly anticipated 2023 Indian Tamil-language black comedy-action film, has taken the cinematic world by storm. The movie boasts a star-studded ensemble cast...
In an unconventional ritual, students at MV College in Shivamogga, Karnataka, opted to purify their campus by sprinkling cow’s urine following a visit by...
In a transformative shift in India’s fintech landscape, Vijay Shekhar Sharma, the visionary founder, and CEO of One97 Communications, is set to solidify his...
In a significant development, Tesla, the renowned American automobile giant, has announced the appointment of Vaibhav Taneja, an individual of Indian origin, as its...