“Kaanekkaane”, a Malayalam drama-thriller written by Bobby-Sanjay and directed by Manu Ashokan, made a direct release through SonyLiv on September 17th, 2021.The movie explores...
Maidaan is an upcoming Hindi film directed by Amit Ravindernath Sharma; expected to release on Dussehra, starring Ajay Devgn, Keerthy Suresh, Priyamani & Gajaraj...
The Kangana Ranaut starrer “Thalaivii” hit theaters on Friday, amidst the ongoing pandemic. Thalaivii charts the journey of Jayalalithaa from a young actor to...
Rathindran R. Prasad’s latest Tamil horror flick “Boomika” was streamed on Vijay TV on 22nd August 2021. With the promising actress Aishwarya Rajesh as...