It’s been more than a year for the entire world to be surrounded by the threatening Coronavirus. Every day has been a war where humans fight against the murderous infection. The Coronavirus has been in the headlines for a long time now. One who has arrested everyone in their own houses. As a result, it gifted an unreal experience of the pandemic to us. But the humans didn’t give up, all the mortal beings fought their best, some lost in between and others came out as a survivor. As soon as we started to cope up with this infectious disease, there’s again a knock on the door, and here it comes the new enemy, the Black Fungus. Before we could settle with this, people were getting affected with White fungus.
The epidemics are rising day by day and getting more dangerous than the previous one. Reportedly, the white fungus is more disastrous than black fungus. According to the doctors, delay in its treatment can be lethal too and recommends extreme seriousness towards it. Earlier, we had experienced fungus infections and there’s nothing new to this. The black fungus is caused by mucormycetes which are already present in our environment. These can affect the face, nose, eye orbit, and even brain, and can lead to vision loss. As per a report, AIIMS director Randeep Guleria blames the misuse of steroids as the reason behind its spread. Factually, the impact of white fungus on the lungs and to the other body parts is far more destructive than black fungus. The impact of white fungus can severely damage vital organs like the brain, respiratory system, digestive tract. In recent times, Covid patients are more at risk of these fungal infections, because of their low immunity to fight against them. Other than them, people who are on long steroid treatment are also at the highest risk. Symptoms for these are quite similar to the Covid symptoms.

As our frontline warriors were busy in fighting the virus and the newly emerged fungus, a new coloured fungus was found in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. As informed by Dr. BP Tyagi, an ENT (Ear-Nose-Throat) specialist, the patient was already been affected by both black and white fungus apart from yellow fungus. Further, Dr. Tyagi added that the symptoms behind Mucorsepticus or Yellow fungus are lethargy, reduced or loss of appetite, and weight loss. If it’s not treated in the initial stages, it can show severe symptoms like slow healing of wounds, sunken eyes because of malnutrition and organ failure. The only cure for this fatal disease is Amphoteracin-B injection, as stated by Dr. Tyagi. He also added that hygiene and the control of humidity is crucial as the lack of these can give rise to bacteria and fungus.

Recently, the director of AIIMS Randeep Guleria requested people to use medical name for these fungal infections rather than naming them based on their color to avoid further confusion. “Labelling the same fungus with names of different colours can create confusion,” Guleria said. Adding to that, he also said that people should be aware of the fact that Mucormycosis is not contagious and is not communicable as well. People who are developing the warning signs for these fungal infections should inform the doctors for early diagnosis and treatment. To guard oneself against these funguses, we must maintain proper hygiene, wear marks, and keep our surroundings clean.
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