Lalbagh Reads, a cherished reading community nestled in Bengaluru’s enchanting Lalbagh Botanical Garden, finds itself confronted with an unforeseen challenge. The serene act of...
Bengaluru, known for Cubbon Park as its primary lung space, is now anticipating the realization of a longstanding dream—a sprawling 150-acre park near Yelahanka....
Karnataka State Road Transportation Corporation (KSRTC) offers two unbelievable tour packages from Bengaluru to Jog Falls and Somanathapura. The state-run transport corporation listed timings,...
With a clear focus on complementing Namma Metro, the BMTC is diligently introducing numerous feeder services. Undoubtedly beneficial, these services have the potential to...
Kuppalli Venkatappa Puttappa, called just Kuvempu with love, was one of the most prominent writers of Kannada literature. Born on December 29, 1904, in...